
Flutter Windows WebView with Dynamic Web TWAIN

The sample demonstrates how to integrate Dynamic Web TWAIN into Windows desktop applications using Flutter WebView.

Getting Started

  1. Apply for a trial license at [https://www.dynamsoft.com/customer/license/trialLicense/?product=dcv&package=cross-platform) and update the license key in lib/assets/index.html:
     Dynamsoft.DWT.ProductKey = "LICENSE-KEY";
  2. Install the Dynamic Web TWAIN package under the lib/assets/ folder:

     npm install dwt
  3. Install /lib/assets/node_modules/dwt/dist/dist/DynamsoftServiceSetup.msi.

  4. Run the sample:

     flutter run -d windows

    flutter desktop scanner application with Dynamic Web TWAIN


How to Integrate Dynamic Web TWAIN into Flutter Windows Desktop Application